Event Management Made Easy Online Event Registration
Event Management
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Did you wish the registrations system would do a bunch of other neat stuff and make your organization look good?
Wish #4 Granted Hey! That's more than 3 wishes! But as they say...
 YOUR WISH IS Approved Events...
Approved Events was designed by event registration professionals, so it includes the features you want.  Take a look at some of the features that will help you run your events smoothly
  • Perform Check-in at the event either using an up to the minute printed check-in sheet or online if you have an internet connection available;
  • Copy event setup information for recurring similar events so you can get a new event on the web in a matter of seconds;
  • Accept online registrations for free events;
  • Setup events with an unlimited number of activities that registrants can choose from - and you can setup the fee schedule for each activity;
  • Provide discounts for early bird registrations or other special offers - for time periods and amounts that you control;
  • Link directly to online hotel and airline registration systems;
  • Email invitations targeted to individuals based on previous attendance;
  • Promote sponsors, and attract future sponsors, by displaying their information in the registration pages.

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